A love story, visionary fiction, mysticism, theology and a personal journey, Stan Law's Enigma of the Second Coming offers a world in which the reality of the moon, a remote planet or even a star system light years away is no further distant than the beautiful girl next door. Both are seemingly unattainable, yet both assume reality behind closed eyes.
Bryn Symonds, Montreal writer and editor
Stan Law is an architect, sculptor and a dreamer. It is the last attribute, if you will, that metamorphoses itself into a number of books that seem to thrive in a reality very much his own. Yet, generously, he lifts the hem of the veil and invites us into his private kingdom of mystery and enchantment. At the same time his training as an architect gives his novels a structure, while his sculpture adds the beauty of form.
Bozena Happach, publisher
A voyage from within and without, this novel transports us to the frontiers of an existence that knows no frontiers, where physics and metaphysics merge into a timeless, seamless whole. Enigma...
Jeremy Garwood, Ph.D. writer