The Engram, (engineered responsive analytical monitor) was the absolute instrument for the re-introduction of man. The new society of Belcare was derived from secured vials of ancient DNA samples from the 22nd century, and then co-mingled to form the perfect human, by the computer's malfunctioning matrix. The Engram failed to recognize earth's stabilized atmosphere and forced periodic adjustments on its new citizens who lived in the confines of the Engram's energy dome. Fortunately for mankind, by the third generation of procreation, some of the citizens were without the Engram's strain. They vanished into a new world without the plague of religion or the locust of governments to impede their dreams. Madame Noir, the respected Oracle of the underground society of Nalhs, and her devoted Nalhsian friend, Master Leumas, together weaved the intentions of their loved ones to pursue their discoveries, and to find for themselves, the missing link to survival. Relaeh ‘The Healer' from Nalhs, forewent his adopted Nalhsians to discover his human destiny. The year is 15,082 AD.
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