The third installment of an award-winning children's series, The Amazing Adventures of Ellie the Elephant: Ellie Goes to School follows the charming plush toy and her best friend, Pudgy the Penguin, as they brave their latest exploratory journey -- elementary school.
Having recently moved, Ellie is worried about her first day at a new school. But, encouraged by the presence of her trusted penguin sidekick, the little elephant decides to view the next few hours as just another buddy adventure packed with exciting surprises.
Throughout the day, Ellie and Pudgy meet the classroom pets, take a trip to the library, discover interesting instruments in music class, and so much more. They even learn a valuable lesson about friendship when they encounter a lonely student at recess. By the end of the day, the two best friends can't wait to return to school the next morning!
Filled with delightful, real-life pictures of the plush elephant and penguin duo, Ellie Goes Back to School helps kids see that school is a safe place and learning is a fun adventure.
Don't miss the first two installments: Ellie Makes a New Friend and Ellie's First Plane Ride.