Multicultural adventure tales from around the world.
Turtle caries the world on her back. The story has been told by different cultures around the world for centuries. The image is rich with symbolism. Turtle, like Mother Nature, is unhurried, wise, and enduring. She walks on land, swims in water, and breathes the air―she embodies three of the four elements of creation.
We have much to learn from Turtle. The eleven stories in this collection come from Africa, India, Japan, Australia, and the Americas. "The Courting of Miss Python" tells of how Turtle outwits the brutal King Python to win his daughter's lovely hand; "The Monkey's Liver" explains why Monkey never rides on Turtle's back and why Jellyfish has no spine; and "The Talkative King" tells of how a chatty ruler learns from Turtle why it is often wiser to listen than to talk.
These Brazilian folktales teach readers the importance of citizenship, resourcefulness and respect.
DeSpain received much praise for this collection. One reviewer wrote, "If you love critter tales like I do, you're really going to enjoy Eleven Turtle Tales. Pleasant DeSpain collects surprisingly unique, retellable stories."