Gigi Giovanni, a young elementary school teacher, is taken by surprise when she is named executor of a coworker's estate and guardian to her troubled sister. Christine Newall was a shy person who preferred to keep to herself and appeared to have few friends. Gigi soon discovers that Christine was actually quite wealthy and that there may be some that are interested in keeping her assets to themselves. When her suspicious death is determined to be a homicide, Gigi wonders if Christine's death has something to do with her substantial estate, an estate that is now in Gigi's control. Everyone Gigi meets seems to have some reason to want Christine dead. Is it the law firm handling Christine's estate? An old acquaintance of Christine's who felt wronged by her? Someone from the institution where her sister lives? As the list of suspects grows, Gigi discovers that her new role as executor may be a life threatening one. Gigi travels from San Francisco to New York, all the while trying to stay one step ahead of a killer who wants her out of the way.
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