Ever heard of Count Dracula? If ya haven't yer about to find out what an evil genius he was. I'm tellin ya right now I get shivers just thinkin about him and all the evil he did in Transylvania. I want ya to find a cross to wear around yer neck, and get yerself a string of garlic cloves to hang there too. If ya can find some Holy water make sure and have it handy. I'm hopin they'll help get ya through this adventure with us because there's vampire bats and more evil than ya can imagine lurkin around us. First though we've got to get the rest of our gold out of the Lost Dutchman's mine. Then we run inta a passel of trouble down in the waters off Grand Terre island trying to recover the rest of Lafitte's treasures. Captain Blackstick and a bunch of descendants of Lafitte's pirate horde are layin claim to it. Seems like we're always runnin inta monks in our adventures. This time we run inta a bunch of Benedictine monks and I'll tell ya right off ya ain't goin to like them. They were part of the evil doins of Count Dracula and yer goin to need to grab the tops of yer socks when ya find out what happened to them. Get yerself ready fer the Black Pool.
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