Twelve-year-old twins, Gail and Dale Pawson, from The Heights, the dumpy part of Ashland, are nothing but big trouble. With a rough home life, they run wild in town, breaking windows, burning an old junk car, stealing candy at the general store, and flunking school. Finally, instead of being sent away to boarding school, they're sent to the Salvation Army for counseling.There the counselor, Captain Arlene Masters, asks Tommi Pockets Leland and Vince Runner Ramsey to befriend the twins and help the two learn to behave. But Pockets and Runner can't stand the twins and try to avoid them at all costs even though Captain Ar constantly reminds Pockets and Runner that Christian love is an action not a feeling.Will Pockets and Runner overcome their bad attitudes about the twins and start to mentor them, or will they keep ignoring Gail and Dale and not care what happens to them at all?
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