Dominic Powers Duet
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Her Dom
My name is Dominic Powers. My software engineering company, DPS, is one of the top 500 companies in the world. Conducting a search for my Personal Assistant brought an unexpected candidate straight to me. I knew she was different as soon as she walked into my high-rise office. She exuded innocence and inexperience. Those are two things in a woman that normally don't attract me, but I am apparently making an exception for her. She's young and delicate â€" and I'm afraid she won't make it in my world. But the carnal man I've kept hidden deep inside me says I have to try. She is my Sophia Vasco. I am Her Dom.

Her Dom's Lesson
Sophia Vasco Will he ever forgive me? This question haunts me every day and night. He branded me with his touch to the point that no other man will ever compare. Dominic consumed my life. Until the day he learned the truth about me and everything changed. Nothing is as it seems and it has all spiraled out of control. The weight of the world now rests on my shoulders. I have to fix this. Dominic Powers Some say that Karma is a bitch. I can say from experience that a betrayed Dom is much worse than a bastard ever thought about being. They think they played me. I denied the man inside me his rightful place and was mistaken for a fool. When I'm done with them, they will feel the lash of her Dom's lesson. This isn't over.
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