Love doesn't wait to be invited in…
Ainsley Faraday specializes in the management of boutique hotels in sleek urban settings, so she is reluctant to accept her employer's latest challenge to take over a mom-and-pop property in Santa Fe and turn it into a shining example of high-toned elegance. Even though she has no desire to be surrounded with lonely mountain ranges and coyote skulls, she can't resist a challenge that might put her within reach of a corner office at headquarters.
Rock music celebrity Greer Davis's protective bubble of stardom bursts after a night of wanton partying results in a public disaster of epic proportions. Totally unprepared for the scathing turn of events, Greer heads for the hills -- literally. She assumes a new identity and returns to her roots in Northern New Mexico just as her latest album debuts at number one on the charts.
When Ainsley and Greer meet on a flight to the Land of Enchantment, love is the last thing on either of their minds, but tall mountain vistas, big blue skies, and hot, hot green chili all combine to create a rush of endorphins begging for release.
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