Dirty Seduction
In Book One of The Montgomery Billionaires series by bestselling author Juliette N Banks, Knox Montgomery must prove himself to become CEO but a hot little temptation tests his willpower. As the eldest son and heir to Ward Enterprises - a luxury fashion line that competes with names on the red carpet – you'd think the CEO role my father is vacating would be mine. Apparently not. I have tough competition, but I'm going to prove my days of sleeping with women in the industry are over. Then in walks Payton, my new sexy PR consultant, and I swear I'm f***ing cursed.----Knox Montgomery. Powerful, handsome, and broody. What an aphrodisiac. I worked hard to get this job in the city's top PR firm, so I won't do anything to sabotage it. As in sleep with the client. *Googles modern-day chastity belts* It will be fine. Until I realize exactly how closely I'll be working with Knox on the new Verity & Co. collection launch. Oh, god. It won't be fine… Dirty Seduction is book one in the steamy Montgomery Billionaires series. This forbidden billionaire romance will appeal to readers who like spicy books with strong storylines, dominant heroes, witty dialogue, heart-clenching moments, and a delicious happy ever after.
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