"Digging Through Time" takes Mac and Maggie Mason on another husband and wife journey through mystery and relationships. The couple, who met in the autumn of their lives, pursues friendships, faith, and some serious sleuthing.
"Digging Through Time" moves from a picturesque island off the coast of Florida to death row at Raiford Maximum Security Prison.
"Digging Through Time" confronts the gentle giant "Moose" who finally has to reveal some long-held secrets.
"Digging Through Time" shatters the image of the fragile female.
"Digging Through Time" shows how quickly casual moments can become times of life or death decisions.
"Digging Through Time" blends romance and family ties and business decisions and a few quirky characters.
The reader needs to keep tissues handy, all the while being prepared to LOL Enjoy "Digging Through Time" with Mac and Maggie Mason.