There's money to be made in Cordova. Everybody in town said so. Folks were getting rich in almost every way you could imagine. There was cattle. And there was farming. Now, usually farmers and cattlemen go together like a match and dynamite. And Cordova was certainly no different. Both sides were preparing for war. Seems the only thing easier than getting rich; was getting dead. These days in Cordova, a bullet in the back was considered natural causes. With the way people were dying, you'd think that folks would be getting the heck outta there, but you would be wrong. Nobody was leaving. There was money to be made in Cordova. Everybody knew it. Shoot, if you could believe the locals, even old Mort Killigan done panned up a fortune in gold. Now, when Rollie Dukes rode into Cordova, he didn't care about any of that. He sure wasn't figuring on staying. He was there to kill a man and move on. But in less than two days, Rollie found himself tangled up in the town's problems. And now he wasn't sure he could leave. He had a star on his chest and found himself embroiled in a risky business deal with the crafty Ivan Moser. It seemed that half the town wanted him to save them, and the other half wanted to bury him. Either way nobody wanted him to leave. And when he looked into the eyes of the beauty with the deadly secret, he wasn't sure he wanted to.
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