Devil's Damnation
From USA Today & WSJ Bestselling Author, Laramie Briscoe, comes a brand new MC Series where the lines between good guys and bad guys is blurred by small town secrets.DevilI never expected to be a member of a motorcycle club, and anyone who knew me in my past life would say the same. But when a close friend of mine is gunned down by criminals, I become a different person. I lay down my badge, let go of the rules I've always lived by, and embrace the chaos.The downside? My secrets have to stay close. No one can ever know my truth.Not even my wife.Welcome to Laurel Springs, AL - where law enforcement are heroes - and the new MC in town are villains.As a newer chapter of the Saint's Outlaws MC, we're still finding our place, especially being in a town that thinks so highly of law enforcement.If only they knew we've infiltrated their precious Emergency Response Team.Or have they infiltrated us?
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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2025
    • Laramie Briscoe
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    • Jul-2025
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