Cat Cameron's life is in turmoil. She's left her abusive, cheating husband and come home to the Rafter 8 Ranch in response to a plea from her Aunt Lili. Her Uncle Ty has been shot and is fighting for his life. The would-be killer has disappeared into a maze of mountains.
Well-known novelist Clay Hollander is also at the Rafter 8. He's organized a writer's conference to help the owners over several hard drought years. Clay has his own troubles. Movie-star handsome, fighting off women is the least of them.
Cat suspects he's part of a plot to kill her uncle until the sparks he sets off in her become a blaze of passion.
Add in cattle rustling, a mysterious cache of semi-automatic weapons destined for Mexico, a cast of would-be writers plotting, and the indomitable Aunt Lili, and the desert rose bursts into full bloom.
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