Defending Tierney
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This is a stand-alone novel containing over 47,000 words of romantic suspense. If you enjoy the characters, you can continue reading the series. This is the first book of the Gray Wolf Security Texas series. Tierney: I never wanted to be anything other than a defense attorney. My father was a defense attorney. He was in and out of my life, but when he was there, he talked about how beautiful the law was. I wanted to see it the way he did. But I never imagined following in my father's footsteps would mean finding death threats stuck under my car's windshield.But it did lead me to Gray Wolf Security and the hot, sexy, former Navy SEAL who would turn my world upside down and make me see my profession in a new light.Scarred by his sister's brutal past, Alexander hated me on sight because of my profession. But that did nothing to tame the almost animalistic passion that sparked every time we were alone together, which was all the time.Talk about defense... Alexander: I hate lawyers. Especially criminal defense lawyers.Tierney and I seem to butt heads when it comes to our opinions of the legal system, but despite our differences of opinion and her stubborn streak, I can't seem to get her out of my mind.And I must get her off my mind.Since I was assigned by Gray Wolf Security to protect her, it's got to be hands off…no matter what. David, my boss, has very few rules, but one of them is that operatives may not become involved with their targets. Yet, that one rule is proving very hard to follow.Can I keep Tierney safe and keep my hands to myself? Maybe.But if she comes on to me, all bets may be off... 
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    • First Edition
    • Glenna Sinclair
    • eBook
    • Sep-2016
    • ?Glenna Sinclair
    • eBook
    • ISBN13: 9798223303602

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