In the second installment of the Children of the Skies series, author J. Everett Bettis narrates the story of a planet drawn into chaos after the Wave hits planet Earth. A colossal spatial event has consumed our world leaving one-third of its population changed forever. People worldwide are searching for solutions as well as scapegoats. In this environment of uncertainty and fear, a new evil force has risen from the Cosa Nostra named Zaccarie Lorenz. He manipulates clerics, politicians and international markets to consolidate his power and destroy anyone who resists his ascension. Maximus Curton has organized a syndicate to oppose and neutralize Zaccarie's threat to mankind. As our world teeters on the edge of oblivion, Shifts and humans struggle to preserve a fragile peace. The Wave has brought unforeseen turmoil into this world. As the balance of power shifts, and a game of survival of the fittest ensues, who will be the last one standing? Will Ron Etts ultimately become Earth's greatest weapon or its saboteur? Can Maximus pull his team together in time to complete its mission or does Zaccarie avert his plans? The human species is in a race for its very survival. Will Maximus be able to unveil the dark forces who are gathering against humanity or are we left with only deception?
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