In the first installment of this cozy mystery series, Carola Dunn transports readers back to the bygone era of 1923 Britain, where unflappable flapper and would-be journalist Daisy Dalrymple daringly embarks on her first writing assignment -- and promptly stumbles across a corpse...
Death At Wentwater Court
No stranger to sprawling country estates, wealthy Daisy Dalrymple is breaking new ground at this particular manor house, having scandalously traded silver spoon for pen and camera to cover a story for Town and Country magazine. But her planned interviews with the inhabitants of Wentwater Court give way to interrogation when suave Lord Stephen Astwick meets a dire fate on the tranquil skating pond. Armed with evidence that his fate was anything but accidental, Daisy joins forces with Scotland Yard to examine an esteemed collection of suspects -- and see that the unlikely culprit doesn't slip through their fingers just as the unfortunate Astwick slipped through the ice...
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