DC Pride: To the Farthest Reaches
  • Published:
    Jun-2025 (Hardcover)
    May-27-2025 (Release)
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  • Main Genre:
    Graphic Novel
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DC's Eisner and Ringo award-winning Pride comics anthology returns in the form of a universe-spanning travelogue like you've never seen!This volume celebrates how the LGBTQIA+ community is everywhere and belongs anywhere—even the very furthest reaches of the universe.In this volume, Dreamer makes a first-time pilgrimage to her ancestral planet, Naltor! Poison Ivy and Janet from HR go spore-hunting on Portworld! Superman (Jon Kent) gets the boys together for a night out in A-Town, but things go sideways when The Ray vanishes into thin air! Steel (Natasha Irons) works up the courage to face Traci 13 at the Oblivion Bar's Pride party for the first time since they broke up! Aquaman (Jackson Hyde) catches an unexpected ride to the Fourth World just in time for their annual Love Festival!All this and more in a volume celebrating how the LGBTQIA+ community is everywhere and belongs anywhere—even the very furthest reaches of the universe.The fourth iteration of DC’s multiple-award-winning Pride celebration in this universe-spanning travelogue collection like you’ve never seen before! In its pages, DC’s beloved queer characters take readers on a raucous tour through the Fourth World, Naltor, A-Town, the Phantom Zone, Portworld, the Oblivion Bar, and more in a volume that celebrates how the LGBTQIA+ community is everywhere and belongs anywhere—even the very farthest reaches of the universe. This hardcover collects DC Pride 2024 #1 and additional stories spotlighting queer characters as realized by DC’s vast stable of queer and allied creators!Plus, this new anthology features a special preview of young adult graphic novel The Strange Case of Harleen and Harley, as well as an unmissable autobiographical story written by industry legend Phil Jimenez (Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons) about the fantastical worlds that shaped him, brought to life by Giulio Macaione!
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2025
    • DC Comics
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1799501523
    • ISBN13: 9781799501527

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