From 1934 until his death in 1968, Cor,nell Woolrich wrote dozens of "tales of love and despairâ that chill the heart and display his mastery of the genre he all but created. In a title for a story he never wrote, he captured the essence of his tortured world: "First you dream, then you die.â
Introducing these 13 tales, Nevins de,scribes the dark world Woolrich so viv,idly creates. "The dominant reality in his world is the Depression, and Woolrich has no peers when it comes to describing a frightened little guy in a tiny apartment with no money, no job, a hun,gry wife and children, and anxiety eating him like a cancer. If a Woolrich protago,nist is in love, the beloved is likely to vanish in such a way that he not only canât find her but canât convince anyone she ever existed.â