An enigmatic demon hunter scours ancient lands hell-bent on bringing a young Amalyian woman to justice.
Tormented by demons of his past, Malichi travels across a simple land as he hunts for a young woman in a quest to bring her to justice. Before long he meets Xavier who is on a quest of his own. Deciding to team up, they visit the bustling city of Ashbrook where Malichi rekindles his friendship with a vibrant woman from his past. As they continue on their way they discover a ruined village. Trotting cautiously onwards they soon learn that the village inhabitants are far from dead. With shapeshifters emerging from the ruins Malichi and Xavier prepare to fight.
Meanwhile, the young woman, Amelia, takes her true form and becomes the hunter. As she follows Malichi's scent she plans her revenge, but when it goes cold she realises that she must seek her leader's help. Will Malichi get justice or will Amelia get her revenge?
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