In the first Dark Moon Digest of 2017, two children investigate a local lore; a woman desires to be more like her peers; a man searches for his missing wife to clear his name from her possible murder; a DVD predicts -- or creates! -- the future; a company psychiatrist has a discussion with an employee; an infomercial spirals into a hostage situation; a dangerous book is sought after in the post-apocalypse; a woman is bitten by a bug; and a man cares after his Alzheimer's-stricken wife while something strange haunts them in the forest. Fiction by P.G. Harvey, Sam Rebelein, Melanie Smith, T. Fox Dunham, Steve Schlozman, Michelle Ann King, Fran Maglione, George Cotronis, Betty Rocksteady, and Brian Justus. Also in this issue: a memorial to P.G. Harvey, non-fiction by Jay Wilburn, movie reviews, and a publishing retrospective.
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