Following the brutal siege on their island country of Solana, Prince Andre and his sister, Princess Alanna face the monumental struggles of rebuilding their country. With the line of ascension unclear between the two remaining royals, the country is divided between who should inherit the throne. From all corners of the world, eager enemies surround the Royal Family. Defending the security of their countrymen grows harder still when the monarchy is threatened with dissolution, compromising the very identity of their culture.When Gemma refuses Prince Andre's love because of her obsession with vengeance, the struggles of saving his country seem insurmountable. He resorts to old demons to cope, only to find they no longer mask his pain.Meanwhile, Princess Alanna relies on Flynn's strong and solid demeanor to support her in her country's tumultuous upheaval. But her savior isn't accustomed to being army-candy without a real purpose. Despite the promises of love and a future in tropical paradise, royal life isn't as happily-ever-after as fairy tales depict. Especially not when scandals plague the palace amid diplomatic chaos. When old enemies charge into the breach, the royals stand to lose more than their crown and legacy.
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