Crane Lake
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America's future through the eyes of a small-town city government, Crane Lake, as they react to a full-scale UN invasion; finally escaping through Canada to a small island in the Aleutians off Alaska. Located on the northern terminus of St. Louis County’s Road 24, also known as Crane Lake Road, is Crane Lake Minnesota. And not too many miles east from this point is the largest freshwater lake in the world, Lake Superior, which was known to the early settlers by its Indian name, Gitchee Gumee—the locals in Minnesota sometimes referring to it as the big ice-cube! Outlined in the book is a futuristic view of America in its final days and the scope of the invasion, by region, of UN sponsored troops. Minnesota is at the center of the activities, with a focus on Crane Lake as its city government reacts to being in the pathway of advancing Russian troops. They discuss their options, later deciding to follow the advice of a former CIA officer to flee across the international border and pass through Canada to Adak Island Alaska, which is a former US naval base. There they have housing and safety to events changing the landscape of America's security. Part of the Coffee Club Intel Series.
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