Two young girls found dead by a canal in Manchester UK, attract the interest of Karen Harris, commander of Unit T. Both girls are prostitutes working for an Italian cartel. Why they are there? Who killed them?
Added to this, an old adversary of Karen targets her in an attempt to bring her down and in doing so unleashes two of the most dangerous contract killers the police, as well as Unit T, have ever faced. To counteract the threat and in an effort to bring the situation under control, Karen activates covert operators along with a her own contract killer. But even with all her resources the situation is fast becoming more and more dangerous.
Alliances are formed between Karen and enemies in an attempt to understand what is actually happening. Except the pressure of work is finally taking its toll. Karen is tired, making silly mistakes and innocent people were dying because of her intransigence in asking for help. However, this is Karen and in reality she had no one to ask when final life and death decisions will always remain with her.