My name is Amelia Blake, and I'm a dreamwalker. I've been fighting a losing battle trying to save Earth from the Erobos, but every time I fall asleep, the super scary, super sexy leader of the Erobos army takes over my dreams. The worst part is he's kind of charming. He seems to think I'm supposed to be his mate, even though Seth and I just sealed the deal. He's after something other than romance. Unfortunately, the only way to find out is to play his dangerous game, but what will it cost me?
I'm so close to finally breaking Seth's curse. I'm pretty sure the clues I need lie in his past yet finding answers amid thousands of years of memories is as hard as it sounds. And I'm running out of time. You see, the Erobos are no longer the only bad guys out there. My father -- the one I thought was dead -- wants me for his own reasons. The only question is, will one of them capture me before I can find what I'm looking for? If they get me, all bets are off. The Oneioi will fall, and with them any chance of keeping the Erobos at bay.