In the aftermath of the battle of Matar, Crash Tyson and his band of revolutionaries flee their home galaxy to evade the powerful clutches of the Cren Empire. Crash decides to resettle in Star Cluster 2419 to rebuild his ravaged fleet. On the way there, his battered fleet is intercepted by an ancient powerful enemy of the Cren Empire, which after a meticulous interrogation, offers them sanctuary. Crash's tenacious desire to retain control of his free will at any cost forces him to make dramatic decisions. Free from an imminent threat, he develops new and powerful combat ships that can defeat the powerful battleships of the Cren fleet. He also learns more about the universal conflict with the Cren Empire that has been ongoing for many billions of years. Unbeknownst to Crash, he is the product of the Cren Empire's accelerated human genetics program, of which P-Quan is the originator and director. P-Quan fanatically wants to maintain his direct control over this premature and unexpected development of his research. Crash's accelerating abilities increase his awareness of the true nature of the universal power structure, forcing his artificial genetic programing to further evolve at an ever increasing rate. Crash's abnormality also creates deep conflicts within his otherwise primitive human psyche. He becomes so aware of the true nature and power contained within the universe, that his awareness of reality exceeds that obtained by all of the ancient races combined. This rapid evolution of such a primitive species begins to cause deep concern among the ancient races allied with him against the Cren Empire. Crash's bold, brazen behavior is very disquieting to their more cautious, settled nature. Meanwhile, P-Quan and the Cren Empire's political power structure, deploys an enormous armada to squelch the insurrection created by their renegade primitive. They attack Star Cluster 2419 with overwhelming power with the goal of either capturing Crash
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