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Welcome to Leafen!
With our vibrant office centre, magnificent skyline and temperate climate (thanks to a state-of-the-art Fabrik perimeter), you'll soon see why we're one of the most desirable corporations in which to live today. Just ask our colour-coded workforce â€" 40 million smiles can't be wrong!
Times are changing. There is unrest in the east. The Arctic oil conflict is getting worse. Guerrilla Startups are everywhere. In a world where even The Market (the vast, mysterious AI system worshiped the world over) cannot predict what will happen next, Leafen needs all the friends it can get.
Executive Class Double Red Steve Manager is about to close a deal that will bring his corporation a powerful ally. But something is wrong. The death of an old friend has brought back painful memories that are telling him, for some reason, to stop.
April Knight is a limo driver. By day she taxis high-flyers and dignitaries around the corporation she's lived in all her life. But by night she dreams of breaking through Leafen's Fabrik to see what lies beyond The Hordes, and discover the truth about where she comes from.
For Blue-Yellow Demetri Trittek things are a little simpler. A third-level programmer with coding in his blood, all he wants is a quiet life; to take his seat and do his job, just like his father.
But when Leafen is attacked by a ruthless defence corporation, its employees find themselves compromised by a mysterious force. Steve, Demetri, and April are about to discover that, in a world where nations are just distant memories and your Colours define you for life, things don't stack up quite the way they once thought.
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