The cat is out of the bag...
This holds special moments from the futures of each and every one of the first sixteen Cocker Brothers books.
After They Fell In Love.
Joys. Sizzle. Tears. Laughter. Big decisions.
It's all here. Just like life. Only better.
I used to wonder, what happens after "The End"? I wanted to give my readers more.
Written with much love over a period of 20 months for 16 books released, I hope you enjoy them!
"Wait...Where have these been?"
Every time a new book has come out since June 2016 when the first story launched, these have popped into a secret space on my website, emailed to my mailing list.
Free. Still are, actually. Join by using the link on my website:
But perhaps you're not into newsletters.
That's why I decided to finally offer these in eBook and Paperback.
Cocky Bonus Scenes are my favorite part about the series - I didn't want you missing out.
These will give you all the feels. Enjoy!
Click on any of the links above to see more books like this one.