Sheriff Wyler Scott and existing humans, what is left of humanity now reside on the alien Ahgundy world of Ciera in this tenth in the series novel. They are at peace and the Aztec God's are now in charge of everyone and everything. Arriving in space is a new President formerly of the USA. Things are now growing as the colony flourishes, but not everything is perfect especially in the Culligan's controlled Boom Town across the Tereneo Valley below the Tarameme Mountains. Worse yet, because of the suppression of the master controller Ahgundy President, a real threat that could end all life is developing on Ciera, something that could destroy the entire colony and system. A boiler of a story that builds chapter by chapter as the changes grow to a very wild ending, should keep faithful readers of the series on the edge of their seats. All in the traditional style of the Sheriff Wyler Scott Series.
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