Chewy Moon
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Cats and baseball don't usually mix, but everything in Josie Abernathy's life turns upside down when she meets her new friend Sanana. With Sanana around, strange things start to happen. Baseballs glow in the dark. Cats dive for catches in the outfield. With all this weird stuff going on, why on earth would Josie want to follow Sanana anywhere?

After losing her parents in a terrible car crash, Josie won't even cross the street without her beloved Granny by her side. But one dark night somehow Sanana convinces Josie that they must go on a secret adventure together. All sorts of magic, mystery, and mischief follow the two new friends. In fact, the moonlit jaunt with Sanana is full of crazy things Josie would never believe, except that she's seeing them with her own eyes!

Take a spellbinding trip with Josie and Sanana in Chewy Moon, as the two young girls find out that no matter where you come from or what you've been through, the power of friendship can conquer even your worst fears -- and that people are not always exactly what they seem.

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    • Aug-2007
    • iUniverse
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 0595444318
    • ISBN13: 9780595444311

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