Elizabetta Rossellini Markov faces an unimaginable captivity. The sorcerer Guillermo Sanchez has trapped her in a dungeon guarded by unearthly monsters -- and his evil magic has her imprisoned inside a body she can't control. Her only chance at freedom lies with Dahliorn, a sheridauk whose skill with dark magic may make him more enemy than ally. Even if she survives, she may never escape. Dmitri Markov battles constantly against the bloodlust that will consume him if he cannot recover his mate, but his search for Elizabetta is thwarted again and again as fate shoves him down paths he is reluctant to follow. Desperation to save one life puts another's life in peril, forcing him into a deal with a ruthless king who leaves him no way out. Failure means a future enshrouded in darkness, with little hope of ever finding the light again. Matt Wolfe's alliance with a former enemy may kill him, but he'll stop at nothing to get his baby vamp back. He's on the cusp of knowing a love that will ensure a bright future, when loss delivers a heart-stopping blow -- Matt's wolfish luck may finally have run out. Guillermo Sanchez has plunged the human world into pandemonium in an insane quest to shatter civilization and mold it into his own creation, something he will rule over and control. Centuries of grooming his niece, Ramira, as a weapon in his sadistic war places him on the brink of victory, but before he can succeed he must end the Druzhina and take out the shadow realms' leadership. He will win, or he will bring down every living being with him.
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