Chances Taken
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    20th Century
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‘She trusted Ann to keep all her secrets, no matter what they were. That, she was to discover, would nearly cost her, her life.'
In Francis Road, in the East End of London, the amalgamation of inhabitants creates a colourful backdrop to the life and times of the early 1950s; a time when life wasn't easy, food was still rationed, front doors weren't locked and Nosey Nel was witness to everything that went on.
Beryl, young and beautiful, is seduced by the lure of being a starlet in the world of modelling. However, she soon learns a very hard lesson that may come back to haunt her, and has to escape her suffocating life. But for what?
Annie and Fred are devastated to learn that their eldest and most troublesome son has got a young girl pregnant. A wedding needs to be arranged quickly but is everyone telling the truth?
With larger than life characters like One-leg Len and Shifty Sam, the stories of Francis Road unfold with suspense and humour.

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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2019
    • Olympia Publishers
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1788303849
    • ISBN13: 9781788303842
    • Apr-2019
    • Olympia Publishers
    • eBook (Kindle)

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