Change is coming to the Timeless Isle!In this coming-of-age fantasy novel, a cat, a cobra, and a deck of cards bring together as unlikely allies two young people: Elyssa, a poor villager and Corbin Carnover, the rebellious son of the wealthy owner of a vast shipping empire. Elyssa's seaman father has been reported lost at sea and without his income, her mother has been forced to take in laundry. It is when Elyssa delivers clean laundry to the Carnover home and is drafted by Lady Carnover to provide a fourth player in a game of cards that her life takes a dramatic turn--but whether for better or for worse only time can tell. Corbin's life takes a frightening turn when in a fit of pique he kicks over a snake charmer's basket, setting free a large and venomous snake in a crowded village market. The snake causes deaths among the fleeing market-goers. Elyssa adopts a stray kitten, and the cat brings her luck at cards. Corbin is plagued by terrifying dreams in which he inhabits the snake and witnesses its terrifying attacks. As the cat continues to bring Elyssa luck, and the snake continues to place Corbin in deadly danger, a card tournament is arranged that will determine both their fates. Will the card game Lucky Nines bring Elyssa the good fortune its name promises or will it mean the dashing of her hopes and of Corbin's as well?
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