"The acclaimed saga of cats in space returns for a devastating second volume! Captain Ginger and his feline crew embark on a vast, six-issue adventure when they follow a mysterious hyperspace signal to the home of their unknown canine ""cousins."" But trouble aboard ship may doom them before they even meet the dogs.
Created by writer Stuart Moore (Batman: Nightwalker, Bronze Age Boogie) and artist June Brigman (Power Pack, Star Wars novels).
""Moore wins over the series'' new and returning fans with the complex relationships of the good captain''s crew. Beautifully drawn by Brigman, fast-paced, and compelling as hell, this is one comic fans should add to their want list.It''s purr-fectly good reading! ""
""This intergalactic feline space story is both action-packed and full of humor."" -Albany Times-Union
""Stuart is writing one hell of a story. I am happy to be here for the duration of the ride.""
-Reading with a Flight Ring
""A tale rife with plenty of dog and cat humor. the right blend of humor and drama.""
""Captain Ginger rocks!"" - Michael Allred
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