Camp Nurse
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    Contemporary Romance
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A nurse, Nora Fleming knew, was never supposed to become emotionally involved with her patients. But she hadn't counted on vital, handsome Willie, one of the counselors at the boys' camp where she had taken a position as head nurse. One day, a vicious epidemic swept the area, and Willie fell ill. Horrified, Nora saw a repetition of the tragedy that had come so close to destroying her once before. Willie needed her. But would her love be enough to save either of them? They sped on through the darkness and rain, the boat bouncing' roughly. Where were the dock lights? A tremendous gash of lightning flared, and Nora screamed. They were nearly upon the beach and running much too fast! "Brace yourself!" Willie yelled. "We're going to hit the dock!" There was the sound of wood on wood, splintering, another clap of thunder, and they stopped. The next thing Nora was fully aware of was that she was on the shore in Willie's arms, and his lips were warm and tender on hers. They tasted of rain and recent sunlight. Nora Fleming, R.N., had come to Camp West Wind for the peace and quiet needed to heal a broken heart. She was finding neither. Two very different and very attractive men were demanding that her heart come alive again, and she wasn't at all sure that this was what she wanted!
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