Calling All Blessings
  • Published:
    Nov-2025 (Hardcover)
    Oct-28-2025 (Release)
    Aug-2025 (Paperback)
  • Formats:
    Print / eBook / Audio
  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
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NAACP nominee and USA Today bestselling author Beverly Jenkins celebrates her beloved Blessings series with a heartwarming novel set in Henry Adams, Kansas.

“If you haven't yet gotten your hands on [this] author's work, you should do so immediately.” -- Shondaland

Tamar July, town matriarch of Henry Adams, KS, is being haunted by dreams of her humiliating wedding day, sixty years ago, when she discovered her intended, Joel Newton, was already married. The truth left her furious, heartbroken, and carrying a child, her son Malachi “Mal” July. Why are these dreams coming to her now? And is the great horned owl perched on her backyard shed somehow connected? When Joel's legitimate son comes to Henry Adams wanting to meet his half-brother, Mal, Tamar must deal with her past, her anger, and explore what it means to truly forgive.

Tamar isn't the only one being tested. Teenager Devon July wants to be anyone but himself. When he first arrived in Henry Adams, as an eight-year-old foster child, he wanted to be a preacher. Then, to be like his adopted brother, Amari. Now, he's decided to be a variant of James Brown -- wig included -- rather than who he really is, a boy who lost his beloved grandmother and is the son of a mentally challenged woman. Will Tamar be able to guide his spirit quest and place him on the road to finally being at peace within himself?

As the big August 1st celebration nears, town owner Bernadine Brown has a lot on her plate, chief among them, what to do with former mayor Riley Curry's monstrous tribute to his hog Cletus. There are no secrets in Henry Adams, but there's never a dull moment either. 
People / Creatures
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    • Nov-2025
    • Avon
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 006301825X
    • ISBN13: 9780063018259
    • First Edition
    • Nov-2025
    • Avon
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 0063427605
    • ISBN13: 9780063427600
    • Nov-2025
    • HarperCollins
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 0063018268
    • ISBN13: 9780063018266
    • Nov-2025
    • HarperCollins
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0063441276
    • ISBN13: 9780063441279
    • Large Print

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