Caesar Ascending-Caesar Triumphant
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With the release of the First Edition of Caesar Triumphant in 2013, which is set ten years after the fateful Ides of March in 44 BCE, readers were introduced to an alternate history in which Julius Caesar heeds the warning of The Seer.After Caesar and his Legions conquered the vast expanse of Parthia, they invaded India as part of Caesar’s ambition to outstrip the exploits of the Macedonian king Alexander. Then, they traversed Asia to reach the fabled end of the world known as the Isle of Wa, modern-day Japan, the invasion of which is the subject of Caesar Triumphant.Caesar Triumphant became a bestseller, and readers were engaged enough that it spawned the six-volume Caesar Ascending series, which covers the ten-year period prior to Caesar Triumphant, beginning with Caesar Ascending-Invasion of Parthia.While the Second Edition of Caesar Triumphant contains the engaging and exciting battle scenes originally released with the First Edition that made it a bestseller, it has been updated to include the storylines of several characters readers were introduced to over the previous six volumes of Caesar Ascending, and is now divided into two parts to accommodate these new subplots and resolutions, while Part Two (coming in January of 2022) contains a new Epilogue that hints at what the ancient world may have looked like if Caesar had heeded the warning, “Beware The Ides of March”.
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