Financial crimes investigator Seamus McCree returns in this thrilling sequel to "Bad Policy." With his house in Cincinnati in ruins, Seamus retreats to the family cabin for some well-earned rest and relaxation. But his plans for a quiet, contemplative winter in the wilds of Michigan's Upper Peninsula are thrown out the window when he discovers a naked woman on his porch during a blizzard. The mystery woman is suffering from hypothermia, frostbite, high fevers, amnesia-and rope burns on her wrists and ankles. Snowbound at the cabin, without transportation or phone coverage, Seamus struggles to keep the woman alive and find a way to get an SOS message out. What he doesn't know is that a domestic paramilitary organization is hunting for an escaped female prisoner-and closing in on his isolated refuge. "A satisfying saga with a story line that's complex and unpredictable. With its combination of social consciousness, political action, intrigue, and family relationships, 'Cabin Fever' will satisfy any mystery or thriller reader." - D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, "Midwest Book Review" "With a reluctant sleuth, his super-geek son, evasive characters, and one plot twist after another, Jackson leads us on a high-suspense adventure in the frozen Michigan woods. The second Seamus McCree mystery will give you anything but cabin fever - you won't want to leave your chair until you finish it." - Edith Maxwell, "A Tine to Live, a Tine to Die" and "Speaking of Murder" (written as Tace Baker) "Jackson makes the frozen Northwoods come alive in this atmospheric thriller. The Seamus McCree series is one to watch " - Steve Hamilton, Edgar winning author, "Let it Burn"
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