Fiction. California Interest. A dark, multi-generational drama that follows three interwoven stories for nearly a century. The first tale begins in 1873, in the deserts that reach into Mexico where an outlaw and his daughter face crooked lawmen, horse thieves, a Padre named David, and a bloodthirsty posse. Another story unfolds in Los Angeles, establishing itself in 1923 before making its way through 1947, with an industrialist, a socialite, their daughter Lotus, and everyone from pioneering policewoman Minnie Barton to Evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson and her Angelus Temple. The third and final story takes place in 1970 where hippy-hating Jay takes his young daughter on a desperate journey through the near-dead remains of a defunct counter-culture to a final confrontation with his guru father in the mountains of Colorado. Each story is full of surprises that zig-zag across time and place and weave through history with imagination and intrigue.
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