Return to the world of THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT...
The magical universe where man, otter, bear, and dwarf together fought demonic forces of darkness in the struggle for their world. Here, in the twilight age of Atlanton Earth, you traveled with the mighty magician Greyfax Grimwald and his allies. Now you'll go back to time before time, the enchanted dawn of Atlanton Earth -- and a thrilling new quest.
From water, sky, land--and even from beneath the earth -- the raggle-taggle Champions of Light race to wrest besieged Eirn Bol from the Dark One's evil firesnakes and Black Hoods. Now Owen Helwin, bearing the majestic Sword of Skye, must win the respect of bears, sea beasts, and the High Dragon. For only their strength can help Owen save beloved Lady Deros from vile sorcery in an ultimate battle at the mystic Bridge of Dawn.
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