In Tamil Nadu, India, a boy named Kalki is born with blue skin. He believes that he is the Hindu god Vishnu and that he can perform miracles. The truth is much darker.As Kalki struggles to extract himself from under the thumb of his controlling father, he must also reconcile with the idea that everything he's ever been told might not be true. When his father drags him on a tour to America, Kalki seizes his chance to explore what life as an ordinary man might be like.Pulled between India and America, and his father's web of control, Kalki must find his true place in the world.'Rich, beautifully told and moving' Guardian'It is impossible not to be hypnotized... Sindu masterfully renders how our environments bake into our skin' The New York Times'The richness of this story will take hold of you and never let go' Roxane Gay'Marvelous' Devin Murphy'A memorable and vivid coming-of-age story' Elise Hooper'Stunning' Kristen Arnett'An instant classic' Nick White'Exquisite' Patrick Cottrell'Profound' Tessa Fontaine'One of the most original and beautiful novels I've read in a long time' Brandon HobsonShortlisted for the 2022 Lammy Award in Bisexual FictionAn Autostraddle Best Queer Book of the YearAn ABA Indie Next Pick for November 2021An AudioFile Earphones Award Winner
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