Blue & Silver - Caishel
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    Contemporary Romance
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Caishel saves Sire Ailan's life and accepts a job as his page in the floating castle of Ardon. Anything is better than living on the streets as a male urchin.Ailan immediately discovers his page is a woman, but keeps this knowledge to himself, despite his growing attraction to her.Caishel longs to tell Ailan the truth but confession could put her in danger. Circumstances eventually force her to reveal her true identity and, like a caterpillar evolving into a butterfly, Caishel marries Ailan. After his grandfather dies Ailan inherits the title and lands of the Duke of Lan.Caishel is convinces the ghost like Eos have something to do with the accidents that keep happening to Ailan and she decides to investigate by donning her street urchin disguise.
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