Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal, this dark and gripping novel tells the tragic story of a smart, sweet child poisoned by circumstance as he struggles to escape the horrors of his childhood.
Edward is four years old when he is locked away with his mother by her abusive, alcoholic partner, Harris. By the time an elderly neighbor spots his pale face peering through a crack in the boarded-up window and raises the alarm, he is seven.
Rescue comes, but lasting damage has been done. Sent to live with a kind foster family, and then adopted, Edward struggles to adapt to normal life. Even as a smart and curious teenager it's still clear to his new family and schoolmates there's something odd about him.
Then in a science museum, Edward sees an image that shocks him to the core and robs him of his hard won sense of safety. Can anyone's past truly be left behind? And could it be that, deep down, another Harris is waiting to break out?
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