In this beloved retelling of a legendary epic, young readers follow the adventures of Beowulf, Wiglaf, and Aelfhere, all of whom are endowed with a different magical ability. Far from a gift, their magic is actually a terrible burden. Beowulf's superhuman strength makes him clumsy and even overpowers his own weapons. Aelfhere's ability to read minds reveals disturbing truths. And Wiglaf's life-like dreams foretell disaster. Welwyn Wilton Katz recounts the Beowulf legend from the point of view of Wiglaf, who hears about Beowulf's many adventures: the seven-day swim in which he kills nine monsters, the battle in the mead hall with the wicked troll Grendel, the underwater struggle with the sea serpents, and the confrontation with Grendel's evil mother. Wiglaf doesn't just hear about adventure  -- he even participates in the final battle with a dragon. Laszlo Gal's magnificent paintings, vividly reproduced in the pages of this rich book, are some of his finest work. Based on the art of the Vikings, they have the brilliant color and sinuous line of an illuminated manuscript.
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