When the lusty Jeremy Corbett slung sumptuous Ariana Wellsley onto his bunk, her wild protests assured the virile pirate of an exciting night ahead. And as he stilled his captive's struggles with caresses and quieted her cries with kisses, the hot-blooded male was not disappointed. Jeremy was certain the svelte beauty would only be another notch in his scarred bedpost- but when he couldn't rid himself of visions of his passionate partner, he decided he'd imprison the saucy chit in his embrace for a while...then drop her when he was good and ready!
Emerald-eyed Ariana Wellsley was too furious to be afraid of her towering captor, How dare he shatter her serene life, humiliate her before his ruffian crew, then manhandle her in unmentionable ways? No, she couldn't deny the sensual thrill his masterful touch caused her, nor the unspeakable delight his heated whisper brought. But the hotheaded brunette would never forgive him his dominating, bullying, arrogant ways. She had to surrender her body to her hated enemy, but she's never let him into her heart and let him become her BELOVED PIRATE.
The heroine's nickname is English
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