Reverend Florrie Feldman has put the unpleasantness of her old parish behind her and made a fresh start in the sleepy little village of Ford Hollow, a community at peace - on the surface. Underneath the calm facade the usual rivalries and petty jealous are simmering. There is also a deep undercurrent of resentment towards a company which plans to build a new housing estate, altering the ancient landscape irrevocably. Shortly after Florrie takes over the parish reins, the church choir's oldest member is found in his usual seat, dead as a doornail, his neck broken. Enter Detective Inspector Harry Falconer and Detective Sergeant `Davey' Carmichael ... With accusations of dirty deals, nefarious businessmen, and crooked committees, the atmosphere in the village is tense - and murderous! Falconer and Carmichael tackle the escalating events in their usual style - and there is emotional turmoil for Falconer in the shape of his `old flame', Dr Honey Dubois ...
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