Behind the Scenes
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Behind the Scenes takes place during a time referred to as the Golden Age of Hollywood, bookended by the end of silent films and the advent of television. Follow the meeting and subsequent lives of LA transients, the strikingly beautiful Dinah Nolan from Chicago and the high-ranking mobster David Abrams from New York; and the peripheral influences of the beginning and end of Prohibition, the Great Depression, and World War II, along with the growth of Las Vegas as the gambling capital of America.

Three members of the mob community: David Abrams, Aaron “Crackers” Cohen, and Sara Balin bond on the streets of New York, rise in the underworld, and move to the West Coast at the request of the “Commission”, the mob's governing body. Unexpected circumstances await the three and Dinah Nolan. Their world meets an unexpected end in 1952 for two of the four…as well as a new beginning…for the remaining two.

Follow Stanley's suspenseful and sensual story in Behind the Scenes…
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2020
    • AuthorHouse
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1728365651
    • ISBN13: 9781728365657
    • Jun-2020
    • Authorhouse
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1728365643
    • ISBN13: 9781728365640
    • Jun-2020
    • AuthorHouse
    • eBook (Kindle)

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