Battle of the Hexes
Exile is a fancy five-letter word, and one I didn't take seriously until Baba Yaga sentenced me to live here in Cold-as-Balls, Alberta. Canada, ya'll. Seriously. My southern blood can't handle all this snow and ice. There's no summer in sight either, thanks to some ex-witch-bitch with an inflated ego who thought it'd be funny to curse this town into endless winter. A curse I'm charged with breaking. Even worse? That ex-witch is also the ex-wife of the local alpha werewolf, who claims I'm his mate. He may look yummier than a donut dipped in honey, but I'm not interested in commitment, no matter how much I may be tempted.  Frozen wastelands, a jealous ex, and a sexier-than-sin mate is more than enough to make me want to strap on some snowshoes and get the heck oot of here. Unfortunately, true love's kiss is the only thing that can break this curse and free me from this hellhole. Ha! Someone really got their wires crossed when they chose me for this task. True love ain't nothing but a fairytale. Right?
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2022
    • Kinsley Adams
    • eBook
    • Jun-2022
    • Kinsley Adams
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Jun-2022
    • Kinsley Adams
    • eBook
    • ISBN13: 9798201260439

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