In the fourth emotional installment, our heroes encounter the delightful cameo appearances of The Rostical Users! After discovering the creature's new transformation, the guild is thrown into a fight of their lives! Fortunately, with the power of light, our heroes survive at a significant cost. With the world continuing its decay, Arcadia forces Ginger Susanoo, the master of four elements and her trusty shurikens to join the guild in their adventures. Clues start to fall into place as we find out what is happening with this yellow eyed disease, the corrupted Neurons and the planet's Aurorions. But with everything set in motion, it may be too late for the guild to act on it. Rachael, Nathan, Karol, Luna, Ginger, Champion, Lezard and Blake, slowly start to find out that their little adventure is much greater than they originally expected. Find out how their actions determine the planet's survival!
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