The first book in this popular fantasy series follows thirteen-year-old twins Meghan and Colin Jacoby as they are whisked into a world of magic and mystery, and in the process, free their own fates and ignite a prophecy made long ago. They find new friends, fun and adventure as well as deadly enemies and a dangerous mission in this spine-tingling supernatural saga. Colin Jacoby loves a trip to fantasyland. It's so much better than real life -- which mostly consists of hiding from bullies. Or worse, his twin sister, Meghan. Nearly impossible to do when they can read each other's minds and she knows when humiliation is inevitable -- his of course, never hers. Colin's favorite thing is to get lost in a good fantasy or sci-fi novel, but he never expected a free book gifted from a grizzled flea market owner to change his entire future within an hour after taking it out of the market. The giver of the book insists that Colin take good care of it -- easier said than done when the book starts talking to you! And -- is rude! And seems to have a mind and agenda of its own. But it's mostly rude to Meghan. Which Colin finds funny, and leave it to his sister to find a way to insult a book! But talking books, even rude ones, should not exist. Not in the real world, at least. Unless the world they've been living in isn't the real world, or the right one? But it's a world and a life that Meghan loves. It's predictable. And therefore, somewhat controllable. But for Colin, it's yet another day he has to rely on his twin sister to come to his rescue. But the book changes all that and gives Colin an incredible gift which he uses to stand up for himself, his friends, and much larger more frightening foe that should most definitely not exist in the real world. And the oddities don't stop at rude books! There's the new strangers in the campground who dress in fancy shoes and too warm overcoats for hiking in the woods. And the unnerving sounds echoing high over the treetops. Or the talking cat that jumps out of a fire. Or a bird that seems to be following them. And the hushed whispers of those they've always called relatives, or friends. And just when they think things can't get any crazier or more unbelievable, and that life is about to return to wonderful (according to Meghan) and boring (according to Colin) old normalsville, a series of unbelievable events leads to an unfortunate and shocking twist, and the real fantasy adventure begins….
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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2016
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 153540843X
    • ISBN13: 9781535408431
    • Jul-2018
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1722920173
    • ISBN13: 9781722920173
    • Large Print

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